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  • Can I send cash to pay for fundraisers?
    No. Payments for anything band related must be made with either a check or money order. A separate form of payment must be sent for each activity. If there are 3 fundraisers happening at once, 3 checks would be sent in. Write the band members name in the memo section to be sure proper credit is given.
  • What do I need to buy for my band uniform?
    You will need to buy: Dinkles (form & check or money order turned in at band camp), black socks that cover the ankle, black shorts, lyre that fits your instrument and a flip folder.
  • Can I buy food at the games?
    The Band Boosters will provide a snack and water after halftime. You will not be permitted to go to the concession stand.
  • How can I find out information about the marching band?
    You have several options. The first Monday of every month there is a Band Booster meeting. You can also check the website or Facebook. Always read the messages through the Remind app. That is where you will receive the most current information and any updates that might be needed.
  • Can I volunteer?
    All volunteers must have clearances and a Ringgold volunteer badge.
  • How do I get fundraising forms?
    Forms are in the fundraising bin in the band rooms at the middle school and high school. You can get them during any practice or at a Friday night game. Your parent may also pick them up during any Band Booster meeting (the first Monday of every month.)
  • Can I leave special events with my family?
    Students are permitted to leave events such as parades, Kennywood and the county fair with their parents. Each bus will have a sign out sheet. Parents must initial by their child's name before they can leave. (Parents ask your child what bus number they ride on.)
  • What do I need to know to join the band?
    We will teach you everything you need to know. You will need to register for band class.
  • What do I wear at Kennywood?
    You will wear your show t-shirt, black shorts, black socks that cover the ankle and dinkles in the parade at Kennywood.
  • How will I get to games?
    All students are expected to ride the bus to and from the games. If you have any questions ask Ms. Mason.
  • Can I bring my uniform home?
    No. All uniforms are stored in the band room when not in use. They are not taken home under any circumstances.
  • Who is going to hang my uniform up after games?
    You will hang your own uniform up neatly on the hanger. If you aren't sure how to fold the pants ask for help.
  • What do I wear under my uniform?
    Your show t-shirt must be worn under the uniform jacket. Plain black socks that cover the ankle also must be worn.
  • Do I have to go to all the games?
    All rehearsals and performances are mandatory for everyone. If you have a question, ask Ms. Mason.
Yellow Red Brown Simple Colorful Fun Painting Workshop Flyer.png

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